Strategy 6 Women and Climate Change
Promoting climate change resilience and green development is considered a priority on the main agenda of the Royal Government of Cambodia. Participation of women and girls who can become agents of change through women’s role in educating families, communities and social behavioral change. In this regard, gender mainstreaming in climate change response measures, including policies, laws and sectoral strategic plans for climate change response, needs support and engagement of relevant institutions and partners. At the same time, we also need to continue to explore opportunities to promote and enhance women’s role in the green economic activities, green agroindustry and ecotourism in order to contribute to promoting the family’s economy and
responding to climate change and green development. To this end, MoWA continues to improve its technical expertise to participate in the agenda for the Sustainable Development Program and with relevant ministries and institutions by continuing to implement the Master Plan on Gender and Climate Change 2018-2030 and to promote women’s role in climate change.
In this context, Neary Rattanak VI focuses on the following key priorities and measures:
Expand the policy environment to support women’s roles in climate change, green development, and disaster risk reduction including mainstreaming gender into relevant policy and programs.
Strengthen the technical capacity to implement the strategic plan on gender and climate change, capacity building for climate change adaptation, green development, and disaster risk reduction.
Promote the role of women and addressing the needs of vulnerable women and girls in the context of climate change
Raise awareness on the role of women and gender equality in related climate change agenda