Gender Statistics Kompong Thom Province៖ Project on Gender Mainstreaming For Women’s Economic Empowerment (PGM-WEE) August, 2020
Project on Gender Mainstreaming for Women’s Economic Empowerment (PGM-WEE) has been implementing since March 2017 supported by Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). The project serves to strengthen gender mainstreaming mechanisms to promote women’s economic empowerment at the sub-national level by the partner line ministries/departments through advocacy and coordination by MoWA/PDWA.
Gender Statistics Booklet is the one of the main activities of the project and the development of “Gender Statistic Booklet in Kompong Thom” is an essential part of PGM-WEE activities with the great contribution of the provincial department and MoWA officials together with technical support by PGM-WEE team.
The information in this booklet highlights women’s socioeconomic situation in Kampong Thom province. Therefore, I believe that this booklet will be widely utilized concerned parties for examining gender-responsive policies, plans and programs in their sector.