National Plan to Prevent Violence Against Women 2019 – 2023
The National Plan to Prevent Violence Against Women 2019 – 2023 was drafted since December 2018 based on the lessons learned and best practices from the implementation of the Second National Action Plan to Prevent Violence against Women (2014-2018), the Mid-Term review of the Second National Action Plan, including the synthesis of results from the analysis of policy documents, instruments, research, and studies at both national and international levels, consultation meetings, interviews with stakeholders, especially face-to-face interviews with woman targets at the sub-national level in seven provinces (including Siem Reap, Kampong Speu, Kampong Cham, Battambang, Svay Rieng, Koh Kong and Ratanakkiri) to gather well-grounded inputs that make the national plan more comprehensive. This action plan has been submitted for discussion in seven consultative meetings, of which three were held by TWGG-GBV with the composition form 16 ministries, four development partners, 30 civil society organizations; and four more other consultative meetings, attended by the Secretary of State with decision-making power from all ministries, institutions, and the Council of Jurists as well as the Economic, Social and Cultural Council, and other key stakeholders.
As a result, The National Action Plan to Prevent Violence Against Women 2019-2023 was approved at the Plenary Meeting of the Council of Ministers on 09 October 2020. Taking this opportunity, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia, and Samdech Kralahom, Deputy Prime Minister, and all Ministers for their support and approval of The National Action Plan to Prevent Violence Against Women 2019-2023
The National Action Plan to Prevent Violence Against Women 2019-2023 provides a clear approach and basis for enhancing prevention and interventions, increasing response, increasing access to quality services and the effectiveness of multidisciplinary coordination and collaboration, in which four key strategies are outlined:
First, prevention;
Second, legal protection and multidisciplinary services;
Third, the formulation and implementation of laws and policies
Fourth, monitoring and evaluation (through the establishment of a specific data collection system to monitor and evaluate the implementation of the National Action Plan to Prevent Violence against Women 2019-2023)
The National Action Plan to Prevent Violence Against Women 2019-2023 which consists of 4 strategies, 12 sub-strategies, 88 expected outcomes, 131 indicators, is a road map for ministries, institutions, operators at national and subnational levels, CSOs, private sector, social media and all stakeholders to implement the prevention work, respond and address violence against women and girls more effectively and efficiently in order to reduce all forms of violence against women and girls in a bid to promote equity and inclusive society which is in line with the motto of the Sustainable Development Goals, “Do not leave anyone behind”.
You can find Photos and Round table Discussion.